Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sunday I presume.

Sunday.... I can't say I felt very aware of what day it has been.
I am not sure really just how I am.

During the afternoon I realised just what me being ill does to Bill and resolved, therefore, to be better. It's a bit of an illusion really - but I will persevere.

I have re-listed a lot of items that didn't sell on EBay during November and December. I don't expect any miracles, but it would be good to get my money back on some of the items; and of course, EBaying has a touch of normality about it.

This evening we had jacket potatoes to eat with Antiques Roadshow.
Then we watched The Thirty Nine Steps. I have never read the book nor I have seen any film of it all the way through.
Bill was disappointed, I think, that this adaptation had so much about Hannay's relationship with a woman. This was never in the original and he would have preferred a bit of old fashioned "daring do" from a strong male British spy.

I shall get up tomorrow and prepare all that we need for a day in the shop. No doubt it will feel chilly.
If I cope well, then I must continue the fight to regain health and strength and get on with life.
I am sure I shall feel more cheerful in the shop.

I finished sorting my Chr. Day photos - but have not got any ready for the blog. Except perhaps these two, which I quickly reduced to send to Jamie on Skype. Pete is an archery instructor and he took on Bill and me as pupils for a while on Chr. morning.

I was shooting with a small child's bow from a point not too far from the target - but I did manage one arrow near the centre in the first batch.
The very first arrow landed on the floor about a metre in front of me!
Bill used a slightly bigger bow and on the whole did rather better than me.
