Tuesday, October 14, 2008


14 Oct It gets no better

It doesn't get any better.
In fact, for me, it gets worse.
I am trying to embrace the idea that this awful nausea, headache, stomach pains and extreme weakness is a bug; most probable because so many others are being stricken with is.
But, hell, it feels like high potassium and I don't like the memories of that.
Bill, I guess, has felt a bit better.
He was better enough to deal with a leak from the washing machine. He needed a trip to B & Q for new hoses and then to fit them.
We took 2 parcels to the post this afternoon - exhausting!
And that's it from me.
I have a cuppa soup with me - carrot and coriander. It is tasty and demands little from my digestion.
Then I shall be off to bed - very early tonight.