Friday, May 23, 2008


23 May. Time for family.

I will begin with a picture taken yesterday - we didn't see Foxy this morning.
I suspect he took a look at the leaden skies and decided to snuggle down in his den, wherever it may be.
Yesterday he and we enjoyed the sunshine.
You can see the pile of new mown grass on which he reclined for some time.

I think we are really fortunate to have this outlook in front of our house - grass, trees, bushes and from time time all sorts of interesting wildlife.
Of course just beyond all this we have a busy road, but when the windows are closed (not so often at this time of year of course) we are not bothered much by the traffic noise.

The morning remained dull and I began to feel a bit chilly and had to add a layer of clothing and delve into the sock draw again to keep my feet warm.
We went out to post parcels and to buy fat blocks to keep the woodpeckers happy.

This afternoon, fortunately, it brightened up and we were sitting out in a garden.
This was after the funeral we had attended - for John, husband of Bill's cousin Rosemary.
I hardly knew John really, but he was part of the branch of the family that I have a lot of time for - the Heasemans. Bill's Aunty Sophie (nee Monk) and her husband Geoffry Heaseman had 7 children who are lovely people. They are country people - farming people at heart. Some are still farming and no doubt we will meet up with David at the South of England Show because he shows his cattle at the agricultural shows and wins prizes.
I wish we had gone to the church at Edenbridge for the main part of the funeral, but Bill thought we should just join the family at the crematorium for the short committal proceedings.
Afterwards we did join the convoy back to Edenbridge for what Rosemary had termed a "cup of tea". There was tea to drink - and more; and also a lavish spread of home made fare.
We sat in the garden and talked to lots of people in the sunshine.
As is often the case at funerals, people enjoy being together and sharing in news and life.
I enjoyed talking to John and Rosemary's son and daughter. I had promised Julie, the daughter, details of the Monk family tree - and that was 18 months ago at a Golden Wedding party.
Much has got in my way since then - and most of all my ability to put things off has got in the way.
Anyway I realised there is a lot they don't know about their Grandmother's background - that's Aunty Sophie to us. And I appreciated that they really want to know.
So, hopefully that will inspire me to get back to all my earlier work and rough notes and perhaps to add more.
And of course I will Email Julie as soon as possible with the basic family tree.

So, a sad day has been turned around for us and made good.
I think Rosemary was able to feel the same, though she must live day by day, accepting the up days with the down days and learn to live a new style of life.

Tomorrow looks to be the best day weatherwise of this long weekend, so we aim to get out. Our destination will first be Ford car boot sale and then who knows where!
I have some EBay things finishing during the afternoon - including the child's book Orlando and the Magic Carpet - bidding now up to £34.

I hope you have had a chance to see the Rocking Horse video.

And also the little snippet Jamie did of Jesica using his still camera.

Have a good weekend.
