Sunday, November 03, 2013


We didn't take Isaac.

We are home and glad to be here - except that maybe I have left my heart in Newcastle.
I love the north east.
I feel excited to be there. I love being with my family there too.
Clare is such good company and excites me to feel free to explore and think.
I left my heart there and also left a cat there, which I now regret.
Clare and Beth have a cat - used to have 2.
Isaac is an odd cat - craves much human contact if it is available; or spends hours outdoors getting filthy dirty.
After 15 years of cat ownership, C and B seem to want a cat free house. And for the first time ever, Isaac decided that human contact with me or Bill was pretty desirable.

I have already talked of adopting a rescue cat - so why not Isaac?
OK - he is old and Clare has been the love of his life.
It was Bill who made me hesitate. He didn't want the upheaval......upheaval for the cat or himself?
I still have the notion that Bill should be involved in decision making - although he rarely makes a decision.
But he seemed fixed about this one.
I just felt that I shouldn't go against his wishes - even though I think that having a cat would be good for him.
As soon as we had left, I regretted not being defiant.
It would have helped Clare and Beth so much too.
Mind you, I guess that this evening I am glad not to have the responsibility for a confused pining cat.
I am tired of course.

The journey - most of it - was almost pleasant.
We travelled almost the entire length of the country and could only marvel at how wonderful our land can look.
In the north the trees are far more wintry looking than at home.......providing the wonderful pleasure of silhouetted winter trees in low sunshine.
Rain threatened, but we saw little of it.

This lot - the dark cloud on the right, missed us completely.

Later on we hit the first problem.
"Accident ahead" warned the gantry message.
We stopped and we crept along......did we see a sign of an accident? No.
The bigger problem was....well, of course it was.....the M25.
Silly of us really to travel home on a Sunday afternoon at the end of half term week!
In places there are 5 lanes.......which proves to be not enough for the number of vehicles.
So the homeward journey took us a little longer than we would have liked.......almost 7 hours.

I am so looking forward to sorting my photographs from our time away.
The 2 I have included this evening were taken with my phone.
But I won't be doing it tomorrow - it's a shop day.
I must also arrange to see the solicitor to alter a few details of the will she has drawn up.
Normal life will resume.