Thursday, August 15, 2013


Appointment with Dr A.

Today there was an appointment with a doctor.
The patient was Bill and he doesn't think he has a health problem and wonders why I insisted on him seeing a doctor.
I had made some notes about the symptoms that I can see and he didn't disagree with any of it.....just doesn't see why I am getting worked up about it.
I am thankful that so many close family members can see what I see and have encouraged me to seek advice.
So, we went in together with my notes.
I explained to Dr A that Bill is happy and not aware that there is a problem. I asked that vocabulary be kept very general - not specific.
She (Dr A) asked if I truly wanted to pursue things - the truth could hurt.
I think I have already faced that notion already, though I have not yet absorbed just how traumatic things could get.
Now, the symptoms are frustrating and annoying; they are not dangerous and don't interfere too much with some sort of normal daily life.
If only medication could halt any deterioration.
Dr A put out the idea that this may well not be possible. I know, already.
But without some sort of diagnosis I would be left in Limbo Land, not able to reach out for support from the health care professionals.
Bill hardly said a word.
The result is the one I am sure I want.
Dr A explained to Bill that the next step would be to get him to see somebody at the Memory Clinic.
Bless her - such a good and simple explanation.
I had planned to return home and do housework......and went to it with gusto.
It did me good. We used to share housework - but more and more I find myself doing it; pleased that Bill hasn't forgotten how to do the washing up, though!
Bill sat in the chair by the front door as I worked - but I did persuade him later to clean the car.
During the afternoon I sorted out more 2006 photos......I am on June now.I worked through April with real joy - it was a Thailand holiday with 6 year old Jess and 15 month old John.
When coverage of the athletics World Championships began on TV I moved through to watch, along with my knife and chopping board so as to prepare vegetables for this evening's meal.
I hope the rain will clear up tomorrow by lunchtime. I have a short walk and exploration at the village of Rudgwick planned.
The more I can fill our days the more normal life will feel for both Bill and me.