Friday, March 15, 2013


Rest day.

Friday - my day of rest.
This morning I was out briefly for my Vitamin B12 injection. Ouch!
This evening we were out briefly too.
It was meant to be an evening at the postcard club....well, at least, I thought so.
Just as well I hadn't spent a lot of time preparing an entry for the competition......every year I mean to do so.
You see, I miscalculated...the meeting was last Friday.
And that has been my day. There have been a few phone calls, catching up with folks.
The weather is not pleasant - and the weekend promises to give us more of the same.
I sit here looking at the calender I March pictures, taken last March, show blue skies. We were being told to be worried about the drought.
And from that moment there has been more rain than we want or can cope with.

No coat, on this day last year.