Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Todays's teeth tale and today's memories.

I was up in the night for a while.
The denture was bothering me - it does when it moves. So, I yanked it out.
Then I remembered that I had vowed not to leave it out too much because my bottom teeth were gnashing away at the roof of my mouth, just adding to the discomfort.
So, I got up to sort my mouth out and get it (denture) back firmly into place.....with Polygrip.
Then I read for a while.
Today I saw the dentist once again. He says that all is normal - the best treatment is salt and patience, with maybe some whiskey or some such. Alcohol has healing properties to both the wounds and to the soul! Dentist drilled a bit more from the denture.

During the day I have begun to prepare some things for EBay. I have 25 photos done. Tomorrow I will start describing so that they can be listed before we go to Newcastle, next Tuesday. All the items are books or booklets. One has already been reserved as a Christmas present.....my brother wants it.

This was taken 60 years ago, in 1952.
I am the girl on the right. I was the youngest of the children performing in the village school show, staged in St Margaret's Hall.
I was 8 years old.
I was tall for my age - just like my grand daughters are today.
Amazingly I can remember the names of all the girls and most of the boys and I know where they lived, too.
On the memories group page somebody was able to pass on a bit of information about Ann, my childhood next door neighbour.
This person is married to a neighbour of Bill's and who I can remember too. His mother was a kindly dinner lady at the village school.
The old town of 60 years ago was like that - somehow everybody seemed to know about everybody else.