Monday, July 09, 2012


Listening to my body.

OK, Body. I am listening....just tell me what's wrong.
I guess we are back to the normal choice of two.
Maybe chronic pancreatitis is having a flare up or maybe I have too much potassium in my body.
The answer to both problems is patience and discipline.
It could be that potassium levels are a bit higher than they should be - so easy to have too much fresh fruit and vegetables at this time of year.
And with my habits it is far too easy to have too much of everything generally.
The pancreatitis could flare up too - though I am never really sure what sets that off. Just sometimes I don't seem to be able to deal with all the things I give my body to digest. Silly of me really, for I know I don't have the necessary enzymes to digest things.
Normally I can just trust the Creon tablets to replace those missing enzymes.
Whatever it is, of course, the result is malaise.
Nausea, headache, weakness, dizziness and oh so tired. Certainly reminds of those dark days when hyperkalaemia stopped my body in its tracks after major surgery 4 and a half years ago.
But not nearly as bad, of course.
I couldn't then have coped with a day in the shop.
Today has been a quiet day and I have sat with a sudoku puzzle book for much of the time.
But I did find the will to stock take all my glass and reduce a few prices. Bill took one glass bowl that I had always thought was special (misguided fool) to the Hospice shop for me. It has lain underneath my shelves for some time recently having graced my sections in both the Ardingly shop and the Dorking shop in its day. I was quite shocked to see that I had had it for 7 years!
There were sales - but nothing very special. I sold 2 Ladybird books. Every little helps.
Let's hope that cutting back on food and a good night's sleep will make tomorrow a little easier - Though I don't expect instant results.