Wednesday, June 06, 2012


Sorting things some more.

Relaxed sort of day, though the sorting things out urge continues.
I went and made brutal decisions in the wardrobe this morning.
I have too many clothes - far too easy to accomplish when you are paying only 50p or £1 an item.
I now have a good collection to take back to a car boot sale - and charge 50p or a £1, therefore not losing any money.
And I can now see what I have in the wardrobe - and see it is all stuff that I like to wear.
Later I spent a while on Skype. We have come to the conclusion that our broadband is not man enough for the job.
That might get sorted some day.
First I had to try and get our microphones working.
I was on line to Thailand. They could see us, but not hear us. I could hear them alright.
My 7 year old grandson is a real talent on the guitar. He can play chords, pick out tunes and sing....quite a little rock star.
So then I contacted a friend in this country (well Wales actually) and we fiddled around with a skype phone we have, until he could hear me.
Then it was back to Thailand.
If only it was really back to Thailand; mind you I think they have more grounds to grumble about the weather just now than we do. They have had so much rain. But at least it is warm rain!
Later we took a short walk to the local shop to get some milk.
We also posted discs to relevant people who may be glad to see all the pictures we took at the wedding recently.
And I have begun to print my favourite pictures from the month of May.
The Jubilee celebrations are over, but I thought I would end with a picture sent to me today. It made me laugh.

Roast dinner for the Royals.