Saturday, April 21, 2012


Saturday at Ford and with Poppy.

Will it rain?
How much will it rain?
These questions were on our mind as we left home at 7 o'clock.
The skies to the south were very dark and threatening.
There were some sharp spatters of rain as we first scurried round the car boot sale at Ford.
But the sun soon shone and we could take a little more time.
But time browsing didn't actually reveal a great deal that we wanted to buy.
Once again we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, watching the tide coming in up the River Arun.
We began a short walk.
I had hopes of seeing Poppy.
I photographed Poppy, the King Charles Spaniel a couple of weeks ago - a beautiful dog.
I had wished later that I had talked to Poppy's owners about sending them a copy; today I did just that.
I am so pleased.
As we talked the heavens opened once again with large ploppy drops of rain followed by  hail stones.
We decided to go home.
Since then there has been no rain.
The skies look wonderful in the late afternoon sun.
I have got around to very little. I was dabbling and watching football scores. Will Crawley be promoted once again?
Could be.... though it would have been better if they had won today, instead of drawing.
But their main rivals helped them a bit by losing.
Just 2 matches to go now.
My purchases from this morning are still on the cooker.

Lots of 1950's girls' books in their dust wrappers.
In front is a table cloth - is the fabric chenille? I think so.
The seller (quite a gruff rough man) went all Alan Bennett on me as he talked of his elderly relations up North in Barnsley.
Old great aunts would have had a chenille table cloth permanently on the table
.I shall miss car boot sales tomorrow - will be at the track by about quarter past ten for timekeeping.
Hope the rain stays away once again.
One activity of the afternoon was to post pictures of our time in Tynemouth. A happy, sunny day.
Scroll down a little to see.