Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Monday and Tuesday life in Monkland

Last week was a holiday.
This week has returned to normality and, whilst not being as stimulating as our Newcastle days, I still value each day.
Yesterday was a day in the antiques centre.
It was enhanced by a surprise meeting with an old friend. I was at the desk and spotted looking into the window, Sandra. Sandra was one of the Canada girls (our house was called Canada House) who started teacher training together in 1962. She was with husband Barry, her boyfriend 50 years ago......just as I was with my husband, who had been my boyfriend 50 years ago.
We were a stable group of people from very mixed walks of life and we all happily maintain some spasmodic contact; some more than others.
We are all looking forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the day we all met in Canada House later this year.
Today began in lazy fashion. Who wanted to get up and face such a wild, wet and windy morning? Certainly not when a good book was waiting for more chapters to be read!
Later I was photographing buttons and cards of hair grips - vintage items ready for EBay. And also bone china decanter labels.
They are now listed.
And I have also dealt with some successful sales - always good to see things on their way when they have needed at least 2 attempts.
This evening I have been happily listening to the cheers from the football ground. Crawley Town winning again.
And I have been reading about the board room goings on whilst we were away. The manager has gone and Steve Coppell is now director of football - I feel glad to have such a man looking after the affairs over the road.

Scroll down to see pictures from Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's wall.