Saturday, April 07, 2012
Dogs at Littlehampton and river and sea.
Things have been bought today - lots of things; but not photographed.
I bought another table! Only a coffee table, it's true; and it's gorgeous!
I was buying vases from these people who have about 2,000 of them (not all at Ford today) - West German pottery vases which I love for their brilliant shapes, colours and ruggedness. I bought 11 of them.
Then I saw the table - made of tiles which form a brightly coloured abstract flower.
I also bought 2 British Airways blankets. They are wonderful quality, so I guess they are from 1st class. I didn't think 1st class passengers were the type to walk off with souvenir trophies, like blankets!
One thing I could have found and used immediately was socks. My feet felt cold. It was much warmer than yesterday but without the sun I felt chilly.
So, it was off to Littlehampton to warm up in The Balaton.
A very pleasant time watching the world go by on land and on the river.
Then we walked by the river. I decided that there is hardly anything nicer than strolling by the river with my camera - even on a dull day. Typical to have dull days for the Easter holiday!
We met a lovely couple with their dog. I photographed the dog. My regret is that I didn't ask the couple if they had an email address so that I could send the picture. I was thinking afterwards that they seemed just the sort to be our friends.
Poppy, the King Charles
Then we chatted with a couple being pulled along by the riverside by a pair of huge Newfoundlands.
My cousin has Boo - not yet as huge as today's 2 dogs were. Boo is still a puppy!
When we first heard Boo's name we talked of the pop group The Boo Radleys and today's big (huge) black dog could go into partnership with Boo to form the Boo Bradleys!
Meet Bradley.......and his friend, Digger.

I think I could go into dog photography.......but best clean the thumb print from the lens first!
Next we met a lovely cuddly poodle. I forget its name - I called it Fritzie.
The tide was high today - very high; full moon time.
The tide at Littlehampton is fast flowing and the river whirls with dangerous currents.
This is in the river.
Now we have a photo where the river and sea merge together at high tide.
I like rope.......and rusty chains.
This afternoon I was busy.
I have 25 things on EBay - not too time consuming because all had been described and listed before. I lowered the opening bids. One has a bid already, others are being watched.
I watched The Boat Race too.
I had settled into nostalgic mode - remembering the wireless commentaries of my childhood; hearing a long string on meaningless, but very significant, vocabulary.
What an earth was Chiswick 8? Harrods depository? Both meaningless words in my world. Middlesex had a station and so did Surrey.
The race today was close and exciting until half way - and the rest is this evening's news.
Halted by a warped demonstrator in the water and then turned to farce at the restart when Oxford broke an oar and Cambridge surged ahead.
I have enjoyed The Voice again this evening. This talent show is different because everybody who sings has talent. There are no deluded fools who somehow feel they have talent and are paraded in front of the cameras to make people laugh.
I bought another table! Only a coffee table, it's true; and it's gorgeous!
I was buying vases from these people who have about 2,000 of them (not all at Ford today) - West German pottery vases which I love for their brilliant shapes, colours and ruggedness. I bought 11 of them.
Then I saw the table - made of tiles which form a brightly coloured abstract flower.
I also bought 2 British Airways blankets. They are wonderful quality, so I guess they are from 1st class. I didn't think 1st class passengers were the type to walk off with souvenir trophies, like blankets!
One thing I could have found and used immediately was socks. My feet felt cold. It was much warmer than yesterday but without the sun I felt chilly.
So, it was off to Littlehampton to warm up in The Balaton.
A very pleasant time watching the world go by on land and on the river.
Then we walked by the river. I decided that there is hardly anything nicer than strolling by the river with my camera - even on a dull day. Typical to have dull days for the Easter holiday!
We met a lovely couple with their dog. I photographed the dog. My regret is that I didn't ask the couple if they had an email address so that I could send the picture. I was thinking afterwards that they seemed just the sort to be our friends.
Poppy, the King Charles
Then we chatted with a couple being pulled along by the riverside by a pair of huge Newfoundlands.
My cousin has Boo - not yet as huge as today's 2 dogs were. Boo is still a puppy!
When we first heard Boo's name we talked of the pop group The Boo Radleys and today's big (huge) black dog could go into partnership with Boo to form the Boo Bradleys!
Meet Bradley.......and his friend, Digger.

I think I could go into dog photography.......but best clean the thumb print from the lens first!
Next we met a lovely cuddly poodle. I forget its name - I called it Fritzie.
The tide was high today - very high; full moon time.
The tide at Littlehampton is fast flowing and the river whirls with dangerous currents.
This is in the river.
Now we have a photo where the river and sea merge together at high tide.
I like rope.......and rusty chains.
This afternoon I was busy.
I have 25 things on EBay - not too time consuming because all had been described and listed before. I lowered the opening bids. One has a bid already, others are being watched.
I watched The Boat Race too.
I had settled into nostalgic mode - remembering the wireless commentaries of my childhood; hearing a long string on meaningless, but very significant, vocabulary.
What an earth was Chiswick 8? Harrods depository? Both meaningless words in my world. Middlesex had a station and so did Surrey.
The race today was close and exciting until half way - and the rest is this evening's news.
Halted by a warped demonstrator in the water and then turned to farce at the restart when Oxford broke an oar and Cambridge surged ahead.
I have enjoyed The Voice again this evening. This talent show is different because everybody who sings has talent. There are no deluded fools who somehow feel they have talent and are paraded in front of the cameras to make people laugh.