Monday, April 02, 2012


Grandma Doolittle's Day.

Doing little can be as tiring as being very busy.
I planned to do little at the shop today and I have come back home exhausted.
My reason for not wanting to do too much is that later in the week I hope to be very busy.
I have decided that I really should have a locking cabinet.
We assumed we would go to Ikea tomorrow.
But locking cabinets are like buses - they travel in pairs. And my pair will travel from Angie's house.
Angie is Monika's friend.... and Monika told me that Angie had Ikea cabinets she wants to be rid of.
And if I can't get them before the weekend then my busy time sorting things out will have to wait for about 10 days. I can't do anything about them when we are in Newcastle.
Sales were poor at the shop - until about the last half hour. Those 30 minutes helped to more than double the takings of the day.
I also bought things. I got my regular supply of not particularly interesting things from Iris. And another man came in with ornaments and things. That's good - I sold 2 ornaments before the close of day.
I took our wedding album to the shop today to show Monika. This led to conversation about Monika's daughter's wedding in July. And this led to an interruption from a customer and her daughter who know about weddings. Poppy, the daughter (so beautiful and sweet) has a business making original head dresses from vintage lace and jewellery. She sells some in a shop in Reigate and could advise Monika about sourcing the desired wedding dress.
And so the day continued with lots of chatting.
We could all solve the petrol crisis - of course. Well, the government don't seem able to. There are still petrol stations round our way without anything to sell.
Somebody on the radio said that if all the cars in the country had full petrol tanks that would be more fuel than all the petrol stations could have when they are fully stocked.
And last week - believing the politicians, all the drivers of all the cars went in search of a full tank of fuel.
These are the same people who moan and comment that "you can't believe a thing a politician says these days"
They believed the devious prats last week!
This evening I have been going round in circles.
Before I left home this morning I saw that somebody had been reading my blog and asking a question about a place that must be relevant to his family history. He is in Australia. He wanted to know about a house in Bonnetts Lane - not far from my childhood home.
I was sure I knew which house it was.
But as I delved I became unsure.
Finally I looked at an old large scale map and could see that I must have been wrong with my first assumption.
Anybody else know which house is or was Old Park House?
My brother has also been working on it because he was also contacted today.
Once a genealogist has a new lead it must be followed immediately!
Tomorrow I have a house to tidy and lots of stock to get written up.
No trip to Ikea - which means no Swedish meatballs!