Sunday, April 01, 2012


Hunting in the sun shine.

Anybody fooled today?
We were out just before 9 o'clock. The Met Office weather forecast was spot on.....they said 2 degrees and that was what it was. But 2 degrees in the sunshine feels so much better than a grey 2 degrees.
We went to the Sayers Common car boot sale.

We followed that ice cream van in today - though this picture must have been taken a while ago. The trees are in full leaf.
I bought some interesting things including an old gas iron, which actually could look quite decorative in the right place.
I have got a fair amount of it written up.
This week I plan to buy a locking cabinet for the shop. I really should have one.
On Thursday I bought a studio art glass vase - I would like the price to be about £60. That sounds quite an expensive piece to have just sitting on a shelf.
So one day we will go to Ikea and on another day will get it fitted in to the section.
Bill has cut lawns this afternoon.
I have prepared a chicken casserole using up the meat on yesterday's roast chicken. It should last 2 days.
And having said is time to dish up and eat.