Saturday, February 18, 2012


Buying and chatting and a film.

"It's ten past six" I heard in my slumbers.
"I thought you wanted to get up" the voice went on.
Gradually my mind focussed......remembering that the day was Saturday and I wanted to go to Ford.
Off we went, happy that the temperature was almost 20 degrees higher than last Saturday. So why did it feel so cold?
It was the  cutting wind that did it.
I have come home with the normal motley selection of fresh stock. Maybe I'll photograph it tomorrow. I also bought a corner "whatnot" stand for £2 that I will use in the shop.
We also were happy to buy some bits from Tom - an old friend of Bill's from his cycle club days.
Oh, but we were glad to get into the shelter of the car and drive the short distance to Littlehampton.
Breakfast by the river.
It looks grey doesn't it? Rain clouds blowing down from the north.
We had a short walk after our food - first to the lifeboat station. It was cosy in there and we enjoyed a chat with a couple of the volunteers who man the shop.
Then we strode out by the river so that we could at least take a look at the sea.
We didn't want to stop for long.

This afternoon I somehow didn't get around to sorting out my purchases.
I have been talking with Monika today - I had an Email from Julie's (Pilgrims) daughter. The daughter lives in France. She let me know that Julie is in hospital - but didn't seem to have the full story.
Monika has been to see her today and reports fragility and a possible chest infection.
Then I talked with the man from Peacehaven - very pleasant. He said that there is no museum in Peacehaven, but he and some others make displays at the local library.
I have ended the auctions for those documents early and Derek will collect the items this week. He will bring some books that he has on Peacehaven for us to look at.
And then I talked with Bill's sister Lesley. She has health problems. As yet nobody can tell her what is wrong (women's trouble!) and uncertainty is worrying. Her GP fast tracked her through for further investigations. With my experiences behind me I can only say that being looked at and advised my a medical team is better than suffering alone. Good luck, Lesley. Don't forget Bill and I can help when and if you need some help.
This evening we watched a film. It was one of the DVDs that we bought in Thailand. I enjoyed it a lot - but then it did have Johnny Depp in it. It was The Man Who Cried - beautifully shot and very haunting, even if the plot was not very strong.