Sunday, September 18, 2011


Not the best of days

Probably the best bits of today were those when I was sleeping.
It hasn't been a good day.
What went wrong?
I know that the trip to the Pease Pottage car boot sale was not good.
There was nothing to buy.
And it was cold.
I had not dressed up well enough.
And I came home musing on yet another medical problem.
I did a bit of research and realised that I must, after Thailand, make sure that I have another piece of medical equipment to hand......literally, a pair of gloves.
I think it almost certain that I have Raynaud's syndrome. I have wondered about this before.
My hands are normally quite chilly - people comment on this. And my hands react badly to cold.
In cold air I quickly get a weird tingling sensation on the back of my hands - even walking along the aisles of a supermarket.
I also find these days that if I handle frozen food I can get frostbite burns very quickly. I generally use a towel to get food out of the freezer.
But worse than that are the times when my fingers go white and numb. My research showed pictures of fingers looking a good deal worse than mine. Wow, I feel sorry for those people; they must have been in quite a state. I just don't know how a feeling of numbness can be so painful.
Well, I do know because my toes have been like it since the early 1990's and it is thought a chemo drug set that off.
So, it seems I might have Raynaud's syndrome or phenomenon, but not too badly. My research tells me that there is little to be done - except gloves; or maybe a permanent move to Thailand.
Oh, this time next week I will feel warm!

I don't know why, but the experience with my fingers made me feel very tense. That is bad because cold is not the only cause of Raynaud's.....stress can also set it off.
But it was definitely cold that set it off today - my whole body was cold.

I spent a while watching The Great North Run - until I fell asleep.
Ashley commented that Newcastle and Gateshead were teeming with people this morning.
All those thousands of people running for so many good causes was inspiring.
I was inspired later by more athletes.
I found a programme about dwarfism and the rivalry between two young dwarves, competing at a high level in disabled sport. I would like to see their competition next year at the paralympics....must book for tickets tomorrow.

And that basically is it. The TV schedules are now well into the winter programmes. The new series of The Antiques Roadshow began this evening....and I slept through most of it.
