Monday, September 19, 2011


Farewell to Pilgrims for 4 weeks.

It was the last shop day for 4 weeks.
I hope the next 4 weeks will be as successful as the recent weeks have been.
Since last Monday, 22 things have left my shelves and found their way to new homes.
Of course I have added more things today.
I had 2 boxes of stock with me, so that there would be things to fill spaces as the next 4 weeks pass.
It was a different sort of day - Monika had lots to do to prepare for a fair tomorrow and had asked Stephen to do her day for her.
On the occasions that Stephen has been in on a Monday - he and Bill have had a boy's time out and gone to the pub for lunch.
My only trip out was to buy some gloves - actually there are  loads of old gloves around the house, but I wanted to have some fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm, but not interfere with my ability to do things. The pair I bought have a mitten bit too that can swing over the top of the fingers when there is nothing delicate to be done.
I have felt quite chilly today - the shop is beginning to feel colder. In the winter it can be very cold.
This evening, at home, I feel warm for the first time today.

Tomorrow we will be a chores day - ranging from cat food buying to blood tests and lawn mowing and ironing.
I must also sort out instructions concerning cat feeding for Frieda. Our neighbour Rose can also have a copy.
We are hoping to get most of what needs doing finished tomorrow and then we can go out on Wednesday.