Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Lovely day in Surrey

There will be pictures tomorrow - probably too many pictures!

We spent a couple of hours in Shere, and I read that that Shere must be the most photographed village in Surrey.
We certainly contributed to the collections of photos that people have of this little gem.

We had been first to the shop, in Dorking, to collect my bag which I had left yesterday.
We spent rather longer there than we had planned.
And we left with money.
Clive is a dealer who hasn't been with us very long and he wheels and deals in many things. Recently I realised that he has outlets and knowledge for records.
Jamie had records - but he has had no need of them for getting on for 13 years now.
We took a pile for Clive to look at. I could see that he thought many were quite run of the mill, but I knew that he wanted others. They were all Beatles connected - a group who of course sold records by the many millions.
Finally Clive and I came to an agreement - he would take them all - good, bad and indifferent for a price that I suggested, which was £100.
Now we don't have the problem of dealing with the ones that might be hard to sell.
Then Clive and I did more business.
Yesterday a lady from The Red Cross charity shop came in. She had mostly cutlery sets; she told me that are not allowed to sell such things because they don't have locked cabinets for knives! Health and safety!
There were a couple of atractive sets and because it rather looked like the stuff would be put in the rubbish bin I offered her £25 for it all.
Later Monika pointed out that 6 litle spoons were solid silver - not the best quality silver and it was foreign.
Now Clive has his finger on the pulse of silver for scrap, so I asked his advice.
He offered me £15 for them.

So, then to Shere to find somewhere for lunch.
We settled ourselves at a table in a  delightful old pub (the whole of Shere seems to be delightful and old). We didn't want much - we had a starter each and half a pint. My crab fish cake with a salad in spicy dressing was superb.

We enjoyed a lovely walk in the afternoon sunshine - and we finished our visit with ice creams.

This evening we have sorted photos - but generally relaxed. Tomorrow is another day.

Jamie has good pictures of his day out last Saturday on his blog.