Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sunday rain.

The clouds have sure dropped their rain today!
Dede arrived from Madagascar yesterday - and must be wondering about the English drought that he had been told of.
Rain too in Canada - it seems like the start of the Grand Prix in Montreal was an eternity ago.; so much rain that it would have been dangerous to continue, so we waited, and waited some more and watched their rain as well as our own.
They have started again now - but who cares?

The forecast here had suggested that the rain would hold off until mid afternoon.
Many potential stall holders at Pease Pottage clearly didn't believe this. Numbers were well down.
The ones who stayed away must have been congratulating themselves quite early in the morning as rain, gentle rain at first, began to fall.
I had bought some books - big books mostly which will have to go to the shop.
It was not an exciting morning.

Later in the day I was wrapping. I have things finishing on EBay tomorrow evening, on Tuesday and Wednesday too.
It seemed wise to get things with bids ready to go.
They were awkward things - like plates and bottles and a right angled long wooden and brass ruler.
The ginger beer bottles are doing well - both the Horsham and the East Grinstead have bids of £12.50 at the moment.
I called a halt with 3 items still to do.
I started to feel so weary and nauseous - partly to do with standing and working for so long.

Partly dietary indiscretions no doubt.

I have enjoyed the toing and froing of communications of many kinds today. A nephew has been filming in London - a horror film; a great nephew has won an award for being the best student at Tai Kwando. Another great nephew has been at his grandparent's house. A very distant cousin got to a boot sale in Liverpool. A cousin has been attempting to sort  out boxes that were in her loft (it seems to be contagious - box sorting). A great niece was performing ballet at The Hawth Theatre....and so on.
I can look back perhaps only 15 years when these snippets of news would probably not have come my way.
The computer truly can open up communication.
It makes me feel so much closer to family and friends.
Our friend Pete has sent his photos of herons - having seen mine. Good photos.
But Bill has also talked with Pete on the phone.

The Grand Prix continues - but still with hiccups.
Think I will go to bed!