Friday, June 10, 2011


Friday work and pleasures.

The South of England Show people would seem to have been very lucky with the weather.
Not for this part of the world has the weather been awful.
It has rained frequently in London and disturbed the tennis. Reports from Wiltshire tell of large hail stones, torrential rain and thunder.
It had been in our thoughts to go to the S of E Show this year - but the combination of weather forecasts and mostly doctor's instructions to Bill to rest his knee after the draining meant we stayed at home.
And we worked.
There are some things I can't resist at car boot sales - bags and bedspreads/throws. You never know when an intersting bit of fabric might be useful for a sofa or a bed!
"Put it in the airing cupboard for the time being"
There was so much in there that it had almost become impossible to extract items or squeeze anything else in.
We now have masses to take to a car boot sale when we next sell.

I have contacted somebody about the Troika vase. He replied that he had both good news and bad news. He says it is a fake - as I thought. But he also said it is a piece by a Robert Jefferson who worked for Poole Pottery from 1958. He values it as £60 - £80. I have now sent the pictures to a Poole expert to see what he thinks. What a damn cheek to pass something off which has merit and intrinsic value of its own as something else. Man has given advice on how to remove the false marking.

I now have a couple of web sites for you.
This one was sent via Facebook from distant cousin Mark (in New Orleans).
I failed completely to get the Les Paul guitar playing that was on the google homepage yesterday. Don't know why - Bill got it going. I have just played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with chords on this piano.
This is the latest of Jamie's blog postings. He never tires of the old part of Phuket Town. I love it too.

And I would like to pass on a copy of a friend's painting.
Paula lives in Sussex.
I love it - would have loved to own it maybe.
But it has already sold.