Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Routine sort of Tuesday for me.

A day at home for me - I worked slowly through things I had down to do (well most of them).
I prepared some more things ready for selling at car boot sale.
And this afternoon I photographed and described some more things for EBay. It is time to mkae  big push to clear the garage shelves a bit and to make the money needed to pay for plane tickets to Thailand.
Bill has been away from the home quite a bit. He was with the osteopath this morning.
After lunch he went for a blood test and whilst on that side of the town he went to tidy his parent's grave and to see his Aunty Joyce.
I was pleased that a customer finally received something I posted to her ..... 6 weeks ago.
She had already received a refund, which she has now donated to a sanctuary caring for bears.
Not much else really - just a quiet, satisfying day getting a bit organised and up to date.