Monday, May 23, 2011


Monday things.

I must start with apologies - I gave you mis-information yesterday.
The delicate little blue butterfly is an adonis blue.
And the pink flowers are not orchids. They are bistorts. There are a variety of more interesting sounding country names.
But I say let's make friends with the bistort - a herb with medicinal properties.

As an astringent and anti-inflammatory herb, Polygonum bistort is an excellent remedy for diarrhoea, particularly in children, as well as mucous colitis and diverticulitis. The mucilages have a soothing effect on the digestive tract. It is also applicable to nasal catarrh and mucous colitis.  It makes a useful gargle for pharyngitis or a mouthwash for inflamed conditions of the mouth and tongue. It may also be used as a douche for vaginal and cervical inflammation and erosion and as an ointment for haemorrhoids and anal fissures. The powder directly applied to a wound will stem bleeding. Polygonum is safe to use in diabetes.

Today has been Monday.
We have been to Dorking.
Bill went out shopping first thing. He bought loft insulation material. Buying it and laying it himself is now a cheaper option than the free offer we had.
The free offer was withdrawn until we had so called proper vents put in the roof - and that was going to be very expensive.
He then went to the Oxfam shop - Monika told him that there were some good looking farm vehicles and animals. Bill bought carts and wagons. He rejected the cows - 3 legged cows don't sell well.

I have arranged some fresh stock on the shelves.
But I spent much of the day with my crossword book or trying to cheer Julie.
Sales have been good.
May has been the best month this year, so far.
I sold more today, including the Nestles Milk dominoes that I photographed a couple of weeks ago.

After dinner we had a quirky little programme on TV about the A303 - basically the road to Wiltshire. The presenter took us to little snippets of history on either side of the road.
Trouble is I was finding it hard to stay awake.

On the way home from the shop we were listening to the radio in the car and news came through that made me almost feel that I had been the wronged woman in "the footballer and his lover" scandal.
Ryan Giggs - the epitome of the well balanced Mr Nice Guy!
Well she clearly thought he was nice!
But he has hurt me!