Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Nothing much

I am feeling quite drained today.
I can't find words this evening.
It has been an OK sort of day and there has been no rain.
This morning Bill and I walked into town for some special cards for those in Liz's family bereaved this week.
We needed a little food - and bought it in Marks and Spencers.
And the small market was in Queen's Square where we bought some greengrocery.
We caught the bus back home.

This afternoon I was out walking once again - only to the post box with the cards. It only added half a mile to the day's walking.
Bill spent the afternoon in the back garden tidying.
Bill does dislike a mess - and all gardens at this time of year are wet, soggy and messy. Apologies if your UK garden is not like that!

I have done a short blog about the single cabinets in Room 1 of Pilgrim's Antiques.

Time to boost energy with some sleep, I think.