Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday sorting
The hour before dawn seems such a long time ago.
We were out - at Dorking; but not for long.
Where were the regulars? Regular sellers that is.
There was almost nothing to be bought. I couldn't get up so early and go all that way for, my purse opened for a pretty bowl. It should make me a fiver or a tenner, I thought.

Then we met up with Monika and we all moaned about the lack of anything to buy. I told her I had just bought the floral bowl and showed her.

Then we met up with Monika and we all moaned about the lack of anything to buy. I told her I had just bought the floral bowl and showed her.
"Oh you, Muppet!" she wailed, "it's got a chip".
She had already seen it and rejected it!
I shall have to keep the bowl for a while and see if I can't use it for a plant or something.
I told you about the Hit Parade coasters yesterday - here they are.
I have them ready to take to the shop. The photo reminds me that I haven't cleaned the surface of the discs.
People do collect wedding photos.
The other photo is behind this one - that's why there are elastic bands round it, to keep them together.
She looks lovely in this picture. In the other picture they look very formal and solemn.
I bought the curtains last week - they have since been washed an ironed.
They might date from the 1930s - or maybe the 1950s.
So, it didn't take long to sort out the weekend's purchases. There are a few more than I photographed.
I came home to be greeted by a postcard.
You may recall that my brother is sorting out some family postcards.
We can only assume that the card shown was from my grandfather to my grandmother in the very early days of their courting. It is not signed. But how many other young men from Buxted would have been writing such a card to a 16 year old girl in service?
This one moved me, but also saddened come I never realised that my dear grandparents were not always sensible, thrifty old folks?

Look Grandad has written it in mirror writing - did he really think that Granny's employers would not have realised what it was?
And signed with SWAK; in my day we added an L to this abbreviation, so that it would read Signed with a Loving Kiss.
Much happened to them between this card in 1908 and their marriage in 1916 - not least, of course, the birth of Aunty Jean, their illegitimate daughter.
How wonderful that right at the end of her life we were in contact with Aunty Jean.
This afternoon I described some more books - 9 more now listed on EBay.
I work hard at EBay - and there is no way I could match Ashley's approach.
He has at least 63 parcels to post tomorrow.
At least that's 63 things less that would have to be packed up and taken to Newcastle.
There was just a hint of some Spring in the air today - it is the first time I have hung washing out for what seems ages.