Friday, January 07, 2011



I wish there was more to sat about today.
There was abundant rain and greyness.
And I did very little.
Lassitude and fatigue set it.

I have been reading up about malabsorption in the hope that I can turn things around a bit and have my gut behave itself better.
The listed symptoms of malabsorption are making themselves very evident and have been for weeks.....months.
I think maybe I should go and talk with Dr Oliver some time, because it is getting me down.
I know he is doing his best to make sure that my body gets all it needs - hence his prescription for vitamin D injections.
The parathyroid gland problems relate to malabsorption as well.
And muscle cramps.
And thirst.
And the lassitude and fatigue I mentioned.

I feel a bit more positive, having read up more about this condition.
Maybe I can encourage my brain to try and do what is sensible for me.
I always say I should eat a little and often - and that is true.
But meals can be quite big - and then I also have the little and often as well.
Ah well! I am proving another thing I read .....that a sufferer might compensate for the body feeling starved of nutrients by stuffing on empty calories. So - at least I am not losing weight. The amount I eat, I should be getting heavier and heavier, but I am not.

The weather is still wet.
But the weather forecast seems to promise that by about 7 o'clock tomorrow morning the clouds will lift a bit.
I really want to go to Ford and Littlehampton.
And yes, I will have breakfast out. The Wetherspoon's breakfast is not too big. And I shall find that I need little else all day.

Watched more magic on TV this evening - even putting up with Jonathan Ross for it.
Magicians are so clever.

Finally - a message to Pete and Jean. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We will phone over the weekend.