Friday, October 09, 2009


A lively evening and looking forward to living in Pop's Cottage

The weather got rough and maybe both of us have found it hard to think about packing all our daily needs for the week at Pop's Cottage.

But clothes are packed.
And a food box is ready and all the other paraphernalia that we might need.
You never know when renting a cottage just what will be there or has been left by other people.
Do we need washing up liquid and a dishcloth, for example? Better take it.
The conversion of this one time pig barn looks superb. I think we will be very comfortable.

We will be making our home here tomorrow evening.

In my present mood this weather just makes me want to curl up at home and forget about the outside world.
So, when Bill mentioned the post card club and I still hadn't dished up the evening meal, I was veering towards replying that I didn't want to go.
But we had thought we would go and hear the speaker - one who we had heard once before.
Diana Keevil is 90 and very much alive and kicking.
When she was just 13 she "ran away" to join a Hungarian circus troupe.
And she became a well known acrobatic stage performer and starlet.
The main troupe she worked with was The Four Spallas Dutch gymnasts and acrobats and Diana, using the name Maisie Spalla.

The talk was really entertaining - she is such a character. And she has met many of the well known show business names of that time.
And to end the evening we could see some Pathe films that were made of the troupe for the cinema in the late 1930s.
Her son knew the films had been made and has only recently found them. Finding them on an internet site was emotional moment for him.
Tonight was the first public showing since before the war.

But they are on the newly created Diana Keevil website.
If you click on The Four Spallas and then click on the Pathe link at the bottom of the page you can see some of the amazing things our Diana could do with her body!
So that's it on my blog for a week. We will be taking the lap top with us and will download photos at the end of each day and maybe I shall write a little too.
But we will not be on line.
Maybe we will find a computer once to write a few lines (just like we did whilst on our October holiday last year on the Isle of Wight.)
Have a good week.
I am sure we will.