Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter sunday in the mizzle.

It has been a long day a day of activity and mizzle!
And just for a while there was rain.

We were in Dorking at just gone 7 o'clock.
We were anxious to buy - we joined others also really wanting to find stock, like Jo and Monika.
Monika actually was selling too.
I found very little to buy.
But Bill made up for that!
He is beginning to find collectable bird ornaments for his cabinet in the shop. Some makes do fetch high prices, so one has to pay a lot to get them to sell. You know - speculate to accumulate and all that.
And he bought an interesting plate camera.
And what did I find?
Well ...... Post It Notes! I use them quite a lot to put information and prices inside books to be sold in the shop. I use them to write a personal note to EBay Buyers.
Today the large sized ones were selling at 20p a pack, and I bought 10 packs.
I bought a CD to take to Thailand - a group much favoured by Mam. Whats the betting it is the one she has got by Incubus!

Before we left Dorking it began to rain through the mizzle - mist and drizzle.

We had a little while back at home to get some breakfast and get ready for timekeeping.
The world looked so grey out there - mizzly.
We made sure we had enough clothes for the day.

The number of timekeepers was small - just 5.
It was obvious that it was expected that Bill or I should be chief - and I chose to do the job.
It was a pleasant time and there were some glimpses of patches of blue sky - though not enough to give us any sunshine.

This evening we have enjoyed some TV - Country File and the Antiques Road show. And yes, I dozed..... all that fresh air is very tiring!

Tomorrow is Monday - Bank Holiday Monday.
We will get up early again and go to Epsom. I would like to be there between 7 and half past - Monika says she will be there at 6 o'clock!

Right, time for a cup of tea and off to bed. Goodnight.