Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Ambling along and then a bit of a gallop.

I thought I was ambling through the day - and indeed I was until about 5 o'clock.... and then life speeded me up to a gallop and attempted to throw me flat on my face too.

I had items finishing on EBay and so books needed wrapping and I pottered along in an unhurried manner. I stopped for a while to chat with Frieda when she popped round.

I played some Boggle at lunchtime and was pleased to come 3rd once and that time I had the best word - WRAITH, which no other player had got.
I got beaten by Roger and Sue a bit later though.

After lunch I continued slowly.
I described 6 maps and listed them. They were all so similar that it was possible to write one description and just make a few alterations.
I love maps. I didn't do well at school even in geography. But that was mostly because I just couldn't get the right attitude to even attempt to try and please other people and school work certainly didn't please me.
Except that I did enjoy map work and my 6th form studies mean that I can read a map like a picture and see the terrain and landscape in my mind's eye quite well.
These maps are what we used to call two and a half inch maps - quite large scale and they cover areas in West Sussex where we often visit for car boot sales and walks.
If we were younger we might have kept them - but at our stage in life it is better to de-clutter rather than add to it all.
We have 2 sons who won't thank us for a house full of miscellaneous clutter when they have to clear the house - hopefully very many years into the future.
But we have to accept that they live too far from the house for it ever to be an easy task.
We will try and help them by reducing the amount they have to deal with!

Then it was time for my appointment at the hospital with the endocrinologist.
There seemed to me there could be 2 outcomes of this appointment. Firstly he might say that I should have another blood test and another appointment because the blood test last week produced dodgy results. Or he could say that all is well and they will see me no more.
It was the latter.
All my chemicals and body fluids and functions lay within the realms of normal.
I am to have a blood test every 6 months and be monitored by the GP who will refer me back if there are any problems.

We were home in time for the EBay auctions to finish and I sent off the invoices. As always a couple of items got bids right at the last minute - from the same man. Then he paid before I could make the parcel and send and invoice and he had paid far too much - not allowing for the fact that it is not much more expensive to post 2 books than one.
I knew he was a prat! His surname was Sanderss - now, it seems very prattish to have 2 letter 's' at the end of that name.
With invoices going out and payments coming in at the same time it can be hard to concentrate for a short while.

And it was at that point that Bill began to do something I was delighted about. He began to look at the Brand family - wanting to know who all his great uncles and aunts were.
I wanted to be up and helping as he voiced queries.

And then I was peeling potatoes and getting ready to make sausage and mash.

And then I realised that my wee bag needed an instant change. And we all know that the wee bag takes priority over everything!

At that point I just felt I was toppling over with too many things to do at the same time.

But Bill turned on the sausages and cauliflower and made the mashed potatoes and we sat down not much after Emmerdale had started for a very tasty meal.

I have since dealt with more payments. Any others can now wait until morning.
I shall put the kettle on and enjoy a relaxing hour with a cuppa and the 2nd part of the play about people in a choir - "All the Small Things" I think its called.

Then to check blogs and facebook again - the family banter on facebook is really very appealing. I have been discussing Grandad Monk's method of making tea with our niece Fiona today - and others have of course joined in.

So, Tuesday has gone. Lets all enjoy Wednesday, which is to come.