Thursday, April 09, 2009


Money found and money spent.

I woke up this morning with one thing on my mind....... sounds like the opening of a blues number doesn't it!
I had relaxed my attitude to some of the restrictions that my body places on my diet.
Being dairy free is fixed. I just don't do dairy.
I am much more relaxed about potassium. I still assume that I won't bother with bananas for fear of pushing potassium levels up and there are certain other things I would have in very small amounts only.
I choose not to eat salads and raw fruits because those things just cannot be digested. But sometimes it is worth something special.
The big problem is wheat. The doctors have found no reason for me to be suspicious and so I think they must be right and have spells when I start to eat wheat based products.
My daily noodles (well many days a week) might just be tolerated - but the bread, the biscuits and the cake, I feel, have begun to make life difficult - in the loo of course, but also making me feel so lethargic.
So I woke up this morning knowing that I should have 4 weeks completely wheat free.
This takes me up to being in Thailand, when I want to feel at my best.
Mentally it helps to have made a positive move.

Another thing has made us feel more positive - the 2 envelopes that had gone missing in Pilgrims have been found.
We are both confused about the loss.
Bill is quite sure that he put them both in the safe.
I phoned the shop this morning to tell Jill about it - Jill, who we were working with last Thursday when the envelopes went missing.
I didn't actually talk to her - she was out. But I told Hilary about it and she said that the envelopes had been found in Jill's bag that very morning and Jill wonders how they got there.
I wonder how they got there too.
It must just be confusion and mistakes.
But somehow the envelopes found their way into Jill's bag and she didn't see them there for a week.
It just cannot be that anybody might be trying to besmirch mine or Bill's reputation.
As far as we are concerned the matter is over.
And thankfully Bill will now not pay up the missing money, which naturally he felt obliged to do.
But on Monday we did keep a proper record for ourselves of all that was sold and made sure that somebody else saw the envelopes going into the safe. We will do this every time we are in the shop.

This morning we were spending money. There was a little buying in Asda.... I wanted some wheat free products just to make me feel that little treats might be available. It is not a good weekend, Easter, to decide to be wheat free or chocolate free. I shall be freezing more hot cross buns because Bill just cannot eat 6 of them on this Good Friday.

There was big buying in Comet. We wanted a TV and we have one.
We were greeted by a salesman who will go far in the world of Comet!
I felt we were being putty in his hands! But we got what we wanted and it works. I am not sure if Bill needed the heavy hand on him to buy an expensive scart lead - OK it looked impressive of course. And I claim little or no knowledge about scart leads or indeed anything electrical.
I don't like insurance. But after our man explained how flat screen TVs work and what can go wrong and how little is covered by a normal maker's guarantee, Bill succumbed.
All I could say to that was that once Bill did something similar when we bought the brand new Berlingo. And the extra insurance paid out and we did well out of it.

Bill spent time this afternoon sorting out the new TV. I described and listed 6 more things for EBay.
I am making a concerted effort just now because after about the 17th, in a week's time, I shall not be listing anything until after our return from Thailand.

And so the Easter weekend begins. It is not what it was in our childhood.
Like many other Christian and traditional festivals it has been taken over by the shops.
Hot cross buns are sold all the year round now - no trips on our bike to Hibbs, the bakers, who were open for a few hours on Good Friday morning, to buy some hot cross buns for the day.
The shops are open all day long on Good Friday now.

The weather forecast looks all April showers for the weekend.
I think it will be dry for a while in the morning and so we will go to Horsham for the now traditional car boot sale at Collyers School.

Have a good few days - all you family and friends who glance at my ramblings. Happy Easter to you.