Saturday, August 23, 2008
23rd August. Ford and Edenbridge
What a busy day!
And - for us here in south east England it has been mostly sunny and reasonably warm. Hooray.
We arrived at Ford at about quarter to eight - the queue of sellers waiting to go in was long, but the first ones were in and had got their wares on display.
It is hard to find things that we want to buy which are affordable and might leave a little room for some profit for us.
We had to decline the lovely art deco framed mirror for £70 - mainly because we just didn't know how much such a thing would sell for in the Dorking shop; and because we didn't have a spare £70 to invest just now.
I bought two Carn Pottery vases because I like them (that was £25 gone) - though they don't yet seem to be snapped up by buyers in the shops. I think its time will come. It has similarities to Troika Pottery, which has become so fashionable that prices have hit the big time.
We bought a little snack before we left (not the 2 huge very bent cucumbers at 30p each!) and we drove off to sit somewhere pleasant for a few minutes before heading for home.

Here I am sitting on the old stone wall of Greatham Bridge where the Arun winds it way through the water meadows.
We had a short time at home for a cup of tea and to catch up with latest Olympics news and then we went to Edenbridge.
We followed Jo into the car boot sale field.
It was a huge boot sale there today and it took a couple of hours to walk round. Bill bought 2 costly model cars (£50) that should bring a reasonable return.
I bought mostly books.
In fact when I look at the amount we have found today it doesn't seem so very much but we did spend almost £150.
I got back home and realised that my digestion had fallen into a bit of a collapse today. I am not sure why - but I have dosed myself up and hope to carry on as normal.
The Olympics are virtually over now - just the marathon to be completed. There will not be medals for GB in that. I have really enjoyed the whole episode.
This evening we turned to another competition - the one for the modern choirs on BBC. The last 4 choirs were exceptional - but now are down to the final three.
It is really hard to pick a winner from them - they each have so many positive qualities. Of course my heart suggests that the senior school choir from Bangor deserve success.
I have fitted in very little Cradle of Persia today.
Oh dear - I have sent a disc with this game on for Mo and she has started now.
I warned her about all the things that would remain undone in her household now the Persian lands are relying on her!
I thought I might finish this weekend - but I hit trouble.
I was onto the levels 80+ - and then fell back about 20 levels.
Tomorrow we shall of course head off out on more buying adventures.
Perhaps in the afternoon I shall get some of my stuff written up whilst Bill watches the Grand Prix.
And - for us here in south east England it has been mostly sunny and reasonably warm. Hooray.
We arrived at Ford at about quarter to eight - the queue of sellers waiting to go in was long, but the first ones were in and had got their wares on display.
It is hard to find things that we want to buy which are affordable and might leave a little room for some profit for us.
We had to decline the lovely art deco framed mirror for £70 - mainly because we just didn't know how much such a thing would sell for in the Dorking shop; and because we didn't have a spare £70 to invest just now.
I bought two Carn Pottery vases because I like them (that was £25 gone) - though they don't yet seem to be snapped up by buyers in the shops. I think its time will come. It has similarities to Troika Pottery, which has become so fashionable that prices have hit the big time.
We bought a little snack before we left (not the 2 huge very bent cucumbers at 30p each!) and we drove off to sit somewhere pleasant for a few minutes before heading for home.

Here I am sitting on the old stone wall of Greatham Bridge where the Arun winds it way through the water meadows.
We had a short time at home for a cup of tea and to catch up with latest Olympics news and then we went to Edenbridge.
We followed Jo into the car boot sale field.
It was a huge boot sale there today and it took a couple of hours to walk round. Bill bought 2 costly model cars (£50) that should bring a reasonable return.
I bought mostly books.
In fact when I look at the amount we have found today it doesn't seem so very much but we did spend almost £150.
I got back home and realised that my digestion had fallen into a bit of a collapse today. I am not sure why - but I have dosed myself up and hope to carry on as normal.
The Olympics are virtually over now - just the marathon to be completed. There will not be medals for GB in that. I have really enjoyed the whole episode.
This evening we turned to another competition - the one for the modern choirs on BBC. The last 4 choirs were exceptional - but now are down to the final three.
It is really hard to pick a winner from them - they each have so many positive qualities. Of course my heart suggests that the senior school choir from Bangor deserve success.
I have fitted in very little Cradle of Persia today.
Oh dear - I have sent a disc with this game on for Mo and she has started now.
I warned her about all the things that would remain undone in her household now the Persian lands are relying on her!
I thought I might finish this weekend - but I hit trouble.
I was onto the levels 80+ - and then fell back about 20 levels.
Tomorrow we shall of course head off out on more buying adventures.
Perhaps in the afternoon I shall get some of my stuff written up whilst Bill watches the Grand Prix.