Thursday, August 21, 2008


21st August Beware the media lot my son!

Beware becoming a media star - that's what I advise.
Not that most of us are facing that danger, but Phillips Oduwo has met that fate.
I am not surprised that the lines of the script fell apart.
For weeks we have been told that this triple jumper not only has the ability to win a gold medal at the Olympics - but seemed destined to do so.
Unfortunately other athletes have read different scripts! Ones that we had not been told about.
Only as the competition unfolded did the commentator reveal that the handsome, athletic Portuguese guy was equally capable of winning and that the new kid on the block from The Bahamas was ready to produce a huge jump.
If we had not been promised so much then there would have been joy at his silver medal.
Well,I will feel that joy for him - and also for the handsome athlete from Portugal who has the gold medal.

Don't worry non sports lovers - it will all be over soon enough. Though I will equally enjoy the Paraolympics ( how does that word go?)

So, it has been another lazy day really. Lots of sport watching of course.
We didn't go to Ford - the weather looked too gloomy.
We sorted out cards and gifts for folk that we were due to send.
I did actually manage to get 12 things described for EBay and they have been listed now - lets hope for some sales.
Bill was much more busy. He got the ironing board out and dealt with the latest batch of ironing. Later he cleaned the windows.

And we both battle on with Cradle of Persia. I think I have got close to completing the kingdom. There were some difficult stages in the middle, but life feels a lot smoother in Persia.
I wonder how it feels for the modern day Persians in a very much misunderstood country, Iran. There are many differences between out 2 worlds and I can have no idea if the leaders are trying to make the best of their world or only have evil on their minds. But I am quite sure that the ordinary Iranian has many of the same hopes and fears of the rest of us. They want a secure home for their families and hopes of healthcare when they fall sick - there are people there with cancer and heart problems too.
Anyway - talk of a silly computer game has suddenly turned into an assessment of the state of Iran!
I do know how to ramble!

I really must grasp life again soon - I have succumbed to Olympics and computer games for too long.
Perhaps it is a sign of Winter depression setting in already - though I don't actually feel mentally too bad.

There are things to do - Jo has just rung with all sorts of schemes that she has got involved with connected with house clearances and other items of things that people want to sell. This includes things that Bill and I might be interested in.

But for now - time to unwind and get to bed.