Tuesday, August 12, 2008


12th August The house feels empty tonight

So quiet tonight!
Life returns to its old normality too quickly - though Harry the cat is feeling much relieved.
It has been hard work of course, but I love that opportunity to be a mother once again, putting my needs on hold and making sure that the family runs happily for everybody.
I have felt at a bit of loss all day, not having a little girl's needs to think about.
I could say I have wasted the day, but I prefer to think that I have given my body a chance for rest and relaxation. I do feel much more ready now for action.

Before Ekatarina got ready for the journey there was the decision to make about what to wear for the day.
She tried on both the dresses that I bought on Sunday at a car boot sale - that had originally come from up-market Monsoon.
They are both so lovely.

The pinky one was chosen - not because it was pink, but because it is slightly less long.
The skirt is really full - fit for a princess!

Then we checked out the grass head person that was made at Godstone farm almost 2 weeks ago.
It was in need of a bit of a hair cut and Ecky trimmed the grass with a pair of scissors.
It is sitting outside on the kitchen window sill.
Instead of a grandaughter I have it to remind me of all the good memories.
Ekatarina was floating about in the dress and then asked if she could dance for me before she left.
Quickly - find some ballet music from The Nutcracker.
So our last moments together this holiday were of The Dance of the Flowers and a beautiful dance.
Bill grabbed the camera and snapped away.

Life is like a book - one chapter follows another and takes us to new places.
Today we all have to move on.
I really think our lovely Ecky will enjoy the pictures today. It is good to know that she reads the blog.
But I have also sent an Email.
And I really miss Ashley too. I have sensed maybe some more contentment within him - though no doubt he would deny it!
Goodnight Ecky! Goodnight Ashley! Goodnight everybody!