Wednesday, August 20, 2008


20th August Dorking Bolt B12 and Book.

I haven't achieved much but seem to have been busy.

This morning we went to Dorking and spent a couple of hours there arranging the shelves again and chatting to yet more people that we hadn't met before.
Bill has been selling pretty well, while I have had a quiet time in the last 10 days.
It is reported how men collectors are pleased to see Bill's cabinet and are down on their on their knees to peer at the lower shelves.
The ladies who are on duty on Wednesdays - Ann and Jean, told us of a long and tedious sale of a pair of binoculars last Wednesday. The buyer obviously liked the model cars and proceeded to give details about all those in Bill's cabinet - droning on and on for a long time.
We walked briefly into the High Street to buy some cards and a gift - but failed on the gift.
We drove home, planning to pass the windmill that is now a consecrated church; but as we had failed to take a map we failed to find it. Another time.
We watched some more Olympics as we ate our lunch and then Frieda came round for a cup of tea and a chat.
I turned the sound back up on the TV so that we could see the men's 200 metres - I think the non sportsman Frieda must at least be able to make some sense of a short fast race.
And it was fast - world record fast. This time Usain Bolt was determined to win in style and actually ran through the line instead of jogging through.
He was most impressive.
Then it was time for another appointment for a B12 injection. It hurt this time more than the last two - and continues to ache this evening. I think I will change arms next week.
We called in at the garden centre to look for a gift for cousin Ann - 80 on Saturday. I had planned a one of those books with soothing and uplifting sayings which we could put in an envelope and post.
And the garden centre had quite a few - which will save us a rushed trip to Godstone with an orchid which had been the other possibility. But she is sure to get flowers and plants from people and I think she will treasure the lovely book we found.
We have heard that the Thursday car boot sale at Ford is worth going to - and we have hopes of travelling there tomorrow morning.
Since making the plans it has, of course, rained.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is not too bad - we'll have to see at 6 o'clock when the alarm rings.
Goodnight for now.