Sunday, July 06, 2008


6th July: Rafa, the god of tennis.

I got what I wanted today!
Indeed the world of tennis got what was wanted - maybe the best match played by Wimbledon finalists.
Of course it is a shame that in such a contest there has to be a loser, but for my part, the right man came out on top - eventually.
Sport is so much more than a succession of physical challenges; it is a gladiatorial encounter creating the need for strategy and psychological and emotional toughness - a resilience to overcome each seeming disaster. Sometimes it is ferocious and at other times it can be like a game of chess.
The game today was hour after hour of supremely good tennis and amazing stamina and strength to cope.
Roger Federer, suave and sophisticated, had won on the previous 5 occasions and he so nearly did again.
But he met Rafa - Rafael Nadal, the young upstart from Majorca.
It might have been easy once to dismiss him as brash and ill disciplined like so many of the young these days, but he has proved now that all the reports of him being a calm young man with deep family attachments are true. And his hard work and discipline are clear for the world to see - you just can't be that good without supreme dedication and commitment.
And he has the looks of some ancient god, which an old Grandma finds most appealing!
So, Wimbledon has come to an end once more - so many have been witnessed by me now. I do hope I have many more to come.

And what of the activities of 2 folks, not built like ancient gods and finding it hard to keep a body in good working order?

We woke early - to grey skies and strong winds. And what was that I saw through the curtains? Not rain already, surely?
We made a cup of tea to drink in bed as the clouds rolled by. I decided that I would get up and go and see what was happening at Pease Pottage.
Bill bought a lot of model cars.
I bought just 2 old bottles. I am particularly pleased with the one with a marble in the neck which carried ale from the Reigate Brewery. Reigate is the next town to Dorking and I am sure there are customers from the locality popping into Pilgrims, so it might sell quite quickly.

We have been sorting out the weekend purchases for much of the day.
I attempted 2 jigsaws during the tennis, but both had pieces missing, so I didn't bother to start them. At least there are now 2 less puzzle boxes out on the shelves in the garage.

There has been plenty of rain during the day - a long spell of very heavy rain.

Sorry sports haters that yet again my thoughts have centred on the rich and varied sport available to us through the TV. We have seen stage 1 of the Tour de France (also won by a Spaniard) and Bill has watched the Grand Prix from Silverstone - not won by a Spaniard, but by Lewis Hamilton of course - "our" man.

And so we are ready for another week. We have nothing much planned - this should be a time of ease.
