Friday, March 30, 2007
3rd March Jamie's birthday present.
On Saturday March 3rd we went to Tescos to buy Jamie's birthday present - he would be 38 the next day.
Jamie opted for a good crash helmet to wear on his journeys to work on the motor bike.
A birthday is often a time for looking back to earlier celebrations - here are some pictures of Jamie through his young life.
1970 - Jamie is one year old.
1972. Jamie is 3 years old.
1976. Jamie is 7 years old. I wonder what he was wishing for.
1977 - Jamie is 8 years old. I seem to have created a better looking cake that year!
1978 - Jamie is 9 years old.
1981. March. Jamie is 12 years old and Ashley is 10.
1985 - Jamie is 16 years old. He is wearing his Crawley Athletic Club vest.
From this time I on I have shared very few birthdays with Jamie because he was normally away from home in March.
This birthday is mine in 1994 - a birthday I sometimes thought I wouldn't see.
Jamie is 25 and Ashley is 23