Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I will be having lots of fun removed.

I feel tired tonight and I think the weariness is allowing some sense of shock to rise.
It is far too early to allow negative feelings in, but there you are.
I was with my dentist this morning.
It is time to discuss my teeth and their future.
My own desire at this stage was to have them all out under an anaesthetic.......but that is not an option it seems.
Mr Clinton's plan - good old Bill Clinton, is to deal with things in 2 stages this year.
He wants to remove the 3 remaining teeth at the bottom which can be classed on my left side. I will then have a partial bottom denture.
When I have healed from that, he will take out all the remaining 5 teeth that I have at the top.
I was quite jolly and cheerful as we discussed it.
There is just a little anxiety on both sides, because the drug I take to try and control osteoporosis disturbs the healing process. I must discuss this with my doctor next week. But it is not a drug you can stop and immediately all is back as it was.
Anyway we were able to have a laugh together this morning. Just before I went I was chatting with Jamie and he told me that the Thai for teeth is "fun".
I am not just tired tonight, I am in pain......such a little thing, but so much pain. I have had a corn on my little toe for weeks. Sometimes it causes not more than discomfort and can be ignored. Tonight I am limping and it feels like a shard of glass is twisting in my toe. I have bought various remedies - but the big problem is that I can't really reach my toes.
The time may have come to seek professional help. A private podiatrist is now working at our doctor's surgery.
I guess it is that almost insignificant complaint which is dragging me down this evening - perhaps more than any "fun" problems.
Adds another meaning to the pop song "Girls just want to have fun"
Tonight was our last outdoor timing event of the year.
The club organises a 5,000m race for Crawley and Reigate runners in memory of a very talented athlete connected with both clubs - Ed Prickett. He had just won his heat at the Gateshead track and was expected to win the final the following day. Whilst crossing the road outside the track he was hit by a taxi travelling at almost 100 mph.
Bill and Gerry and I were the officials.
We had a lot to sort out. We kept track of who had lapped whom and I got the numbers down for all the finishers. Bill and Gerry could add times to the numbers.
We were a damn good team!