Thursday, August 02, 2012


Family day in Littlehampton.

Yesterday we took our grand  daughter from a trip to the railway arches.
Today we took her to a prison!
I had better explain.
We all went to the car boot sale at Ford - rather dampened by a very heavy shower of rain. But we bought some things.
Then I was determined to see what Ford prison shop had to offer.
There are lots of plants for sale at reasonable prices and some green grocery stuff. I bought 2 sweet william plants, courgettes, tomatoes and a cabbage.
Breakfast was at The Balaton. How many more Balaton breakfasts will we eat? Not very many, sadly.
The family are closing up at the end of September.

We saved some of the bread and butter for the swans.

The tide was very high.
The water was swirling and running very fast.

As usual I stopped and talked to people.
This time I chatted with people with poodles.One was older and not so steady on her legs and was going for a walk in a push chair!
The other poodle was just a charmer.

The curly long sea front bench is always an attraction.

There is a fun crazy golf course by the beach huts.
E Minor and I played a match. She is pretty good - though I was a bit lenient when she didn't hit the ball hard enough.
She was less lenient with me when I mucked up my shot.

Every hole had a sea side theme - or boating/naval.

Did rather better with my next shot.
My stance is better and my blue golf bowl  has whizzed under the lighthouse.

The score card reads that I beat young E by 2 shots.
But she had the satisfaction of a hole in one.

Home to enjoy some rest and gold medals for GB.