Saturday, July 28, 2012


Family day by the sea.

Mostly it has been a lovely day.
Photos of it can wait until tomorrow.
The car boot sale at Shoreham was twice as big as when we went last twice as much rubbish!
Our first reaction was how cold it was down on the coast - the equatorial temperatures have gone and there was a cold wind.
Guess who had dressed for The Equator?
Fortunately I found a pair of M & S denim jeans which fit very well for £3. And then a sort of sailor's jacket.
And that was all I found!
I have bought clothes for E Minor. (That's our facebook name for  the visiting grand daughter).
We only meant to have a small snack in the Shoreham airport cafe - but somehow we chose huge omelettes.
Then we went for a play on the beach just by the church of The Good Shepherd.
By this time the world was somewhat warmer.
Later we drove to the river estuary and walked out on the jetty.
We explored the old fort ruin - doesn't take long, but I am glad that somebody is caring for it.
And we responded to a sign which invited people to go into the coastguards centre to ask them about their work.
Two lovely coastguards explained what is involved....and that coastguards receive no government money. They all volunteers and money comes from donations.
We peered at boats out at sea through the powerful telescope and noted their concern when a small boat went out to see with half a dozen youngsters not wearing lifejackets.
Their work doesn't involve the potential dangers that volunteer lifeboatmen might face, but is just as vital. And very suitable for the older volunteer.
Of course I was disappointed with the result of the cycle race - which I had given up the chance of seeing.
We were home for the end of it.
Somehow the fates (and all the opposing teams) conspired against the British quartet.
Ah well, sport is sport and there must be winners and losers.