Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Tuesday at home

Sorry that yesterday's posting ended up  a mess.
Let's see what happens today.
This has been a day of gentle activity. Less gentle for our footballers in Ukraine at the moment.
We strolled to the local shops to book hair appointments. Bill stayed - His hair was cut within minutes.
My appointment is tomorrow afternoon.
I might regret it, but I have decided to change the style a bit and have hair off my face more.
This afternoon I described things for EBay.

This book has already attracted some interest.

And so have these hair grips on the original card.

I can't help it - I have a football match on the TV in the other room.
Somehow or other England are beating Ukraine - thanks to a lot of luck.
They were playing badly and then scored.
Ukraine were playing well and also scored - the ball crossed the goal line; but no officials saw it that way.
Look out folks - its a summer of sport!

We must get out for a while in the morning, whilst we have some fine weather.
Haven't sorted out any plans yet.