Monday, March 12, 2012


Keeping busy in Pilgrims.

This morning there were few sales at the shop.
I priced up some of my weekend purchases and got them onto the shelves. This involved a slight re-arrangement in the kitchen section.
Iris came in with things for me to buy - I had to refuse most of them this week.
It was time for pottering.
I had been round to Waitrose for some superior tiffin biscuits to celebrate Monika's birthday.
Then this afternoon, Monika and I were inspired for more Spring cleaning. That sunshine does strange things to a normally idle soul! Me - I mean! I wouldn't dream of describing anybody else as idle!
In the back room - my room - there is a counter, which used to be relevant when that room was a cafe. It is still useful as a place to work or even to sit on a stool and eat some lunch.
But its chief use seems to be a place to dump things.
There was hardly a space, this morning, to put labels and books to get on with pricing.
We have tidied as far as we were able. Obviously it is not our place to make decisions about other people's property. There is more to be done.
Maybe others will now be inspired to continue our work.
I do think that the very messy nature of the counter (and under the counter)  can create a negative effect on my area and the room in general.
Sales picked up during the afternoon.
It was a pleasant drive home in the late afternoon sun.
And then I did get idle - watching TV and nearly nodding off to sleep.