Monday, October 17, 2011


Normal happy days.

So quickly have we managed to get grounded in our own reality that it is hard to realise that on Monday last week we had lunch at The Beach Bar.
The weather had been good that day......oh happy days they were!

As planned we went to Ford on Littlehampton on Saturday. It had been really cold as we set off before sunrise.
By the time we reached Arundel the low rising sun was creating a lovely glow.
I grabbed this shot as were driving.

Here are some of the things that I bought at Ford. These things are now on the shelves in Pilgrims.

The weather over the weekend was lovely - bright sun; but the air felt a bit chilly to us.

Red fruits in the sun. Where are the blackbirds? The blackbirds should be eating these berries.

Indoors we now have a reminder of Thailand.

Buying this quilt was one of those rare occasions when suddenly I felt I had to have it.
No muddy paws on the sofa now, please, cat!

Today has been very pleasant in the shop. Bless Monika she had arrived early, got the kettle on and had bought a cake to celebrate our return.
Being valued like that by a friend feels like a nice warm blanket wrapped around one.
I did some tidying - and sweeping the floor.
The last sale of the day was a lovely Polish blue and frosted white glass vase - and it was mine.
I do like to be on the sales page!

They say the weather is on the turn. Blue skies will be gone.
Tomorrow more reality filters into my life.
I have an appointment with the urology department at East Surrey Hospital. I am not expecting any surprises.
I hope they don't keep me waiting too long, because I have to be back in Crawley at 12.30 to see the osteoporosis specialist.