Saturday, December 11, 2010


Saturday back to normal and with family.

A Saturday of parts, coming together to make a good whole.
We were up before dawn - dark and gloomy; temperatures above freezing and no rain.
We were off to Ford once again.I have returned home with kitchen things to sell - blue and white TG Green, a couple of vases, a warm skirt (will be glad of that in the shop on Monday), some books, a present for someone at Christmas.
Amongst Bill's purchases were a pair of Dunlop wellington boots. The snow can make a comeback if it wants now he has boots to wear!
Gradually we could hear our breakfast calling to off we went to Littlehampton.
There are food stalls at the boot sale, but we prefer to wait for the warmth of being indoors and where there is a clean and comfortable loo and where a good breakfast costs no more than a yucky burger from a van.
But first we took parcels to the post office. I was pleased to post a parcel to somebody who had been very slow to pay - I had almost given up.
We called in at a few charity shops and also in to Sainsbury's.
This is the time of year for goodies and I felt after a particularly bad gut day that I should return to the wagon on the straight and narrow route.
I bought supplies of gluten free things, so that I am not constantly obliged to eat rice cakes.
As we ate our breakfast we realised we had been joined by strange creatures - a 10 foot high Father Christmas and his even taller little elf and a couple of beautiful fairies.
The stilted folk were collecting money for charity.
They happily took some money and posed for photographs.

The little elf greets a family.
Bill noticed that the TV screen was dealing with financial affairs and has added a couple of apt words to the picture.
There are TV screens in most Wetherspoon's pubs - but the sound is never on. You can read subtitles if you choose.
This morning the sub titles made me laugh - all wrong!
The people on the screen were talking about The Pope but the sub titles would have us believe that there might be a split between the "pub" and the curates!

I chose this picture because another that Bill took had my eyes seemingly staring at parts of the young woman's anatomy at about my eye level!

I hope they got lots of money in Littlehampton.
I was very impressed at how easily they got through the door.
We walked round to the lifeboat station to buy some more tea for Bill.
It was then that we realised we didn't have the stale bread and the swans were a bit indignant about this.

This cheeky cygnet was quite demanding and chattered angrily.
I reminded him/her that we had known him since he was an egg!
This afternoon we went to Ifield to spend a little time with Jenny and Mike and Ruth and the boys.

Otto and Jenny played with the fuzzy felt that Ecky had passed on.

Felix played with some new cars.

We won't see them until next year now - they are off to Madagascar to spend time with Papa and their other grandmother.
This evening it has been time to relax in front of the TV. X Factor will be over tomorrow evening. I wonder who will win.
We actually have a couple of hours folk music to watch too - there has been much folk on BBC 4 this weekend.