Monday, December 06, 2010


Cold day at the work face.

It goes without saying that is was cold.
Murky, moisty cold with a blanket of cold fog.
The back of the shop was 4 degrees centigrade when we opened up.
We commented that Julie was very wise to stay home in the warm.
We were moderately busy - both Bill and I sold today. The item I sold was a cat ornament which will be the Christmas present for a woman aged 99.
The young woman said that her old woman insists that she doesn't need presents - but the young woman needed to give. My cat, with no maker's mark, was quite stylish and I was selling for £8. It was just what was wanted.
Julie, did turn up later in the morning - she actually craves our company.
But she wasn't with us all the time - she had money in her envelopes and decided to go to the coffee shop in Christique Antiques Centre for a little something.
When she got back I gave her a bad case of the giggles - and thus she knew how wise she had been to make the effort to come in.
It was my Franglais that tipped her into giggles - as you may know Julie is elderly and French.
At one point she asked if I was listening to her.
I replied that I truly was "ecouting" her.
Its nice to get the giggles!
We got away a little earlier than normal - bad weather being our excuse. But of course the roads that we were using were no bother at all.
I am not sure where the evening has crept to.
But we are close to bedtime already.