Sunday, August 08, 2010


Farewell my children!

I have spent two and a half weeks wishing I could get to my computer!
And now nobody else is using it I am not back into reality and don't know what to do on it!
We were all up early and went to the Pease Pottage boot sale.
We all bought things.
Much of what Ashley bought is upstairs still - until we can take it to Wales. This will probably be during October half term week.
We also went to a smaller car boot sale which organisers are trying to establish. I think they will fail, but we bought things.
There were some lovely clothes for Ecky and I bought some hardly used Adidas trainers for her, just half a size too big at this stage, for 50p.

We got back to relax and to cook a roast dinner.
And then, with some sadness we took them to the station.
That was at 3 o'clock. Hopefully now, when almost 6 hours have passed they might be just walking through their own front door.
I thank both Ashley and Ekatarina for the lovely, lively time that we have enjoyed.

Tomorrow we return to reality - a day in the shop.
I haven't written up any of my purchases from the last 3 weekends - but I have bought much less than normal.
Gradually I will pick up the pieces of my own life.
Tomorrow I will survey my own area and make plans for some rearranging - maybe will get tempted to make a start!

On Tuesday I will get back to all the photographs. I still haven't dealt with our Wiltshire photos and that was almost 2 weeks ago.

It will soon be bed time.