Friday, August 13, 2010


Diagnosed as a moaner!

A little while ago, you may recall that I was wondering if might have developed diabetes.
Strange really - I had buried deep within me the condition (diagnosed) that is causing me problems; hyperparathyroidism.
Last evening I suddenly remembered and did some checking up.
Yes, I really do have many of the symptoms.
Tiredness, weakness, depression, wakefulness at night, irritability, thirst etc.
I don't have any more aches and pains in my bones now than I have experienced for quite a while.
These I know about. Other things would have to be checked by a doctor. Kidney stones are common and I really don't want them - imagine passing them through the stoma!
Levels of Vitamin D and calcium can be checked again in blood tests.
I have an appointment to see Dr Oliver next Friday. He is rare amongst doctors in having a wide knowledge of this fairly uncommon problem.
I shall ask about when we might have to consider removing the glands.
By the way - the only connection that parathyroid glands have with the thyroid gland is that they are quite close together in your body. They do very different jobs.
One web site summed up the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism with the words....."moans, groans, stones and bones with psychic overtones!"
So, probably no diabetes, but yes to a condition that I think will get managed.
Bill will also see Dr O next Friday.
We did call in at the doctor's surgery this morning to pick up a letter I asked for. It briefly tells any airline or airport security check person that I have a medical reason for having a bag of liquid under my clothes. I will also get a card from the Urostomy Association.
We called in on Jenny for a cup of tea after being at the doctor's surgery and just about caught Ruth and the boys after their trip to Tilgate.
The weather has been miserable this afternoon - but nothing like thunder here.
I hope it improves in the morning.
I would like some time out at Ford and then some exploring somewhere.

Now scroll down and see the monsters of Crystal Palace - no, not the timekeepers at an athletics meeting!
