Monday, March 01, 2010


Taking the rough with the smooth.

There is good news and bad news today.
Perhaps we should get the bad news out of the way.
I have had to contact Bill Clinton today - my dentist. The repair he so gallantly did last week, sparing me the trauma of an extraction, has failed.
The cap he gave me slipped away as I nibbled on some crisps.
Naturally there is now just one course of action and I have to wait for it.
There must be 2 appointments close together and my Bill Clinton is a very busy man.
Next Tuesday morning I will go for impressions to be made. My denture will be taken from so that the technician can add to it.
I will be without it for over 24 hours.
On Wednesday afternoon I will be back in the chair for the deed to be done.
Meanwhile I have a spiky, sharp edged tooth.

But this has been a day with much good news.
The weather was the best news. It was quite chilly but the sun has been shining and it was a pleasure to walk out from the shop and breath in the fresh Springlike air.
We still have clear skies, with twinkling stars and a brilliant full moon.

It is always a pleasure to be in the shop, but extra special when confidence and bank balance is boosted by good sales.
Last week both Bill and I sold well, and that continued today.
For some reason I actually did the February accounts last week. Therefore all the income received today is down as March income. So on March 1st we have already taken much more than our monthly rent money.
For some people in the business, of course, the money is really important because it is their sole means of support.
And we don't want to be running at a loss naturally.
But most of all there is a joy in being aware that we are getting it right.
I actually sold 2 things today that I had bought over the weekend.

And the people we mix with are a real boost too. The other dealers and the customers are good company.
I spent a while getting to know one customer who had come to find an ornamental black cat to give to her son and daughter in law who were grieving the loss of their own black cat. How fortunate I bought one on Saturday!
The woman I mentioned last week who was buying prizes for a sheep dog trials was back. She decided to stock up on prizes - the ones won in that dreadful weather yesterday were very much appreciated.

This evening after dinner, Frieda popped round.
We plied her with sherry.
The bottle we bought in M&S last week is absolutely excellent - a real pleasure to drink.
I was very happy to have a second glass with her!

So, despite the bad news, I count this as a very good day.
And when faced with something like the tooth extraction, it is almost good that I have to wait a week.
In some ways it is a failing that I seem unable to think ahead or even follow through on a commitment. I am so absorbed in the present moment that future events don't really exist.
So, that nasty visit to the dentist has no reality for me at the moment.

Time to relax a while. Tomorrow will be a quiet day - we have to stay home to await delivery of wood for the new flooring.

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