Monday, March 08, 2010


Rushed off our feet at Pilgrims.

Oh my goodness! I still feel so tired.
The day was not designed to give a chance for resting. There were times today in the shop, when we felt rushed off our feet.

There has been all sorts going on. I ended up buying things from people that, perhaps, I was not particularly keen on.
One woman had 17 ornaments of birds, issued by a modern company and not highly regarded amongst collectors. But what I could do - she was an old lady eager for every bit of money that she might amass. She said even £10 would be better than nothing - I gave her £20 and she was happy.I can price the birds up quite cheaply and they should sell and then I will be happy.
They are not horrible, the birds are quite accurately produced, but somehow they are a bit twee.
Also twee are the vase/ornaments produced by Sylvac and Hornsea with woodland creatures. I have had them in the past and they have sold, but these days I tend to bypass them on the car boot sale stalls. But I felt it might be a good idea to buy them in and keep a second woman happy.

The shop has sold a good deal today - and Bill and I were included amongst the successful dealers.
My sales were small. Last year I bought lots of Beatrix Potter books in very fine condition for 10p each. I sold 5 of them today at £1.50 each - a lovely book for less than the cost of a birthday card can't be bad!

This afternoon we had Mr No Short Term Memory in - he really is very demanding and time consuming.
He always buys a little something.
Today he seemed more anxious than usual. He almost bought a battery clock from Bill - but he seemed terrified of the idea of changing batteries.
He bought a picture from Terry and he enjoyed a good giggle about it.
It showed a boy peeing into a river and the fishes and frogs fleeing as fast as possible. It was French - and he liked that idea. I translated the caption for him, to more laughter......"Never drink the water".
Poor man then seemed to be terrified that there would be no bus back to Redhill and he would be stranded.

Bill had a problem with a clock today.
The one he bought on Saturday, with Westminster chimes, has worked just fine all weekend. It just wouldn't go in the shop. Moving clocks can often cause problems and maybe the shop floors are not horizontal. Hopefully he can try again next week.

I spent some time doing photographs for this week's blog. The them is Mother's day and I have sorted out a slightly different way to lay it out - but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see it.

Tomorrow.... oh hell!
The dental treatment begins! I shall be in the chair at half past nine. It will not be for long. Impressions will be taken of my upper teeth and sent with my existing denture to the technician for one (or more) teeth to be added. So, I will spend the day and almost all Wednesday with a lack of teeth and a huge space at the front.
The one offending tooth will be removed on Wednesday afternoon. I want discuss the possibility of the dentist taking more than one whilst he is at it. There are a couple of others close by that could well be on their last legs...... nice image that - my teeth running round with frightened faces on their legs.

OK - we need sleep; cup of tea soon.