Monday, December 07, 2009


Too tired to think

I am more tired this evening than I can describe.
I feel rough.
I didn't sleep very well last night - paying for a few dietary indiscretions over the weekend and I got cramp.
Today I have worked hard at the shop.
I absorbed a lot of new stock. Having decided that this week's blog should concentrate on kitchen items I took a lot of fresh kitchen items in.
The photos are on the chip, but I won't be looking at them until tomorrow.
I enjoyed gathering together the items from people's areas and creating some visually pleasing photographs.
Nor will I be dealing with any pictures of our weekend until tomorrow.
I haven't even written up my sales for the week yet.
Bill was even more busy.
Because his area is one of the first inside the door, Bill is the person the customers see first and so if I am working at the back he gets more involved in opening cabinets and dealing with sales.
But for now I think that will have to do.
I have already been dozing and, although it is not yet 9 o'clock, I think I shall be off to bed very soon.
Good night.