Wednesday, December 02, 2009


A day of Some Potential

Today was not much of a day.
I couldn't get going.
The rain had enough energy for all of us.
This afternoon I described just 4 books - not many, but they took ages.
These 4 are potentially valuable.
There is a 1st edition (1909) Cecil Aldin, who writes little sweet stories for children and paints lovely illustrations.


There are professional book dealers on who have this book for sale at over £200.
Here's hoping!
The other books are a modern Folio Society Charles Darwin The Voyage of HMS Beagle. It comes in a box and is very heavy. That could be worth over £50.
There is an old edition of Struwwelpeter.
And I have a 1891 book of naval cartoons and other bits and pieces that were displayed at a Royal Navy Exhibition. This one has a watcher already.

I have made appointments now for Bill and I to have stage 2 of our swine flu inoculation.
We go next Wednesday.
Did you hear of the man who went to hospital with swine flu...... he came out with gammon flu.
He had been cured!!!!

I do believe that it might be dry for a while tomorrow. We could go to the Thursday car boot sale at Ford. I really would like that.

I shall stop now. I would like to see the Andrew Marr history programme on TV at 9 o'clock.
Bill is watching a Johnny Cash concert that he recorded a while back.
Bill thinks I don't like Johnnny Cash - but I am enjoying hearing the music.