Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Lazy Tuesday

There is little to say about today - instead scroll down and read about Sunday in Cirencester.

This morning I just felt incredibly lazy - I slept until half past eight.
I didn't get anything much done.

This afternoon I began to describe things for EBay - I got nine done.
But there was succession of visitors.
Frieda came round, who normally feeds the cats. She couldn't do it last weekend because she had just had a cateract treated.
Rose, who did feed the cats came round later on.
Such a contrast between the attitudes and knowledge of these 2 dear over 80 year olds.

I don't think I said that we (Bill) made an error before we went away. Sometimes when he is giving George a pill for his thyroid problems, he closes the cat flap. No escape for George! Well he forgot to open it again - no wonder we found some problems in the bathroom! Strange, though, how they choose the bathroom as a toilet.

Bill has had a blood test for thyroid problems today - George's turn later in the week.
Bill saw the doctor about his high pulse rate - regularly now at over 100 beats per minute.
Doctor could find no cause and was not unduly worried at this stage - but Bill should keep monitoring it.

Later this afternoon I had the first of my customers round. John has bought from me before on several occasions and has become a little like an old friend. he sat and chatted for a while.
Finally another customer came to collect her EBay purchase.

We enjoyed a beef casserole - a bit spicy, made to use up all the old vegetables in the fridge.
And we caught up with Le Tour de France on this quatorze juillet (14th July).
Go Cav! Our own Mark Cavendish won the stage. He is the best sprinter in the world - but the best sprinter does not actually win the Tour. Lets hope he wins the green jersey for most points in the sprints.

And now scroll down for the main part of today's blogging.